
Home > Our resins > ALPIC
Finition décorative colorée ALPIC
5 kg*
* pre-dosed kit


UV-resistant, coloured decorative finish

Solvent-free 2-component aliphatic resin for manual application (ratio: 2/1). Designed as a UV-resistant (non-yellowing) tinted topcoat on a SOUPLETHANE coating. Fast drying even at low temperatures. Easy and fluid to apply even at high humidity (up to 90% r.h). Aesthetic and glossy finish.

Easy to apply

Solvent-free, odorless, Bisphenol A-free

Concrete crack resistance : 5 mm

réglementation des émissions dans l'air intérieur


Asbestos plastic tiles

Fiber cement boards

other polluted floors

Fixing asbestos after asbestos removal

Asbestos glues

Fiber cement boards

Asbestos treatment plants

Lead paints : covering


Compressive strength 113 MPa

Resistance to support cracking (crack opening 3 mm)

Resistance to chemical agents pH 1 to 13

UV resistance

Resistance to thermal shocks steam at 160°C, hot water at 95°C

Résistance à la compression > 110 MPa

Solvent-free, odorless

Ease of application

Quick commissioning


5 kg*
13 kg*
35 kg


Grey, Cream

Other color on request. Right here !
