A story of heart and innovation
It all began in 1977, with the creation of a company by René MASSARD, Mining Engineer and Master of Science Chemical Engineering Berkeley Univ.
As a chemist, inventor and pioneer, he combined all his talents to create and develop ever more noble and efficient sealing resins.
Objective : Develop new polyurea-urethane resins initially designed for coating icebreaker hulls. Very quickly, René MASSARD turned to research into more sophisticated formulas to manufacture resins for other applications such as waterproofing and coating floors, terraces and balconies, or even decontamination with nuclear power with COGEMA in La Hague. KEMICA COATINGS was not yet born, but the products were already present.
An international presence
1990: Creation of another company to manufacture formulated waterproofing resins as a subcontractor in Gennevilliers and to offer the installation of these resins on site.
At the same time, René MASSARD asserts its presence as a manufacturer of resins for export, particularly in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
A strong commitment to sustainable development
2002 : Installation in MIGNIERES in Eure-et-Loir, with continued Research and Development of environmentally friendly formulas and construction of a resin manufacturing unit on site in Eure-et-Loir, with continued Research and Development of environmentally friendly formulas and construction of a resin manufacturing unit on site.
2003 : Creation of KEMICA COATINGS, a company manufacturing waterproofing resins for construction and industry.
2017 Extension of buildings on the site with construction of offices and a mechanical workshop.
– Winner of the European SME H2020 scheme for its project, KEMISTATIC, which proposes a new electrostatic projection process for two-component VOC-free resins, ecological and integrating significant energy savings.
KEMICA COATINGS is a 100% French company.
The team includes a Manufacturing unit, a Research & Development department equipped with a Research laboratory, as well as a sales structure and an administrative department.